We have been building our knowledge about the earth. We talked about the difffernt layers.
We learnt that the inner core is solid. The outer core is liquid. We live on the crust.
We are looking forward to learning more about the Earth!
Posted by Room 8.
We have been learning aobut the Holy Spirit Te Wairua Tapu.
We make these cool hats that say "The Holy Spirit, lives in me!"
We know we can see the Holy Spirit in our words and actions.
Posted by Mrs Gunn
We are so excited to have 3 new friends come and join us in Room 7.
Our new Room 7 friends are: Freddie, Lzzy and Emily.
The have been such super stars and know our daily routines.
They have made lots of new Room 7 friends and are enjoying being a part of their new classroom.
Well done guys!
We were so excited for Grayson to share with us all about his first Student Council meeting.
After, we were able to share any issues that we had, and share any changes we would like to see in the school.
We will keep you updated on these Student council meetings.
We have started a 'Student Council'so that we can listen to student voice. The Student council is currently a student representative from each class. This learners feeds fowrard and feedbacks about any issues that our learners want raised. Our learners were given two weeks to decided if this was a role they would be interested in and then each class voted on one member. The learners that you see in this picture have been voted council members by fellow learners in their class.
Room 1: Fletcher Lochhead, Room 2: MacKenzie, Room 3: Owen Jarrett, Room 4: Kees Jahnke, Room 5: Samual Balm,Room 7: Grayson Cattle, Room 8: Nikita Gils,Room 9: Finn and Room 10: Summer Kidby
Happy Mother's Day to all the beautiful mums and dads that love and cherish our Te Pihinga children.
Team 10 children love to learn.
Here we are achieving wonderful things during our literacy time.
Reading is something we value and enjoy in Team 10. Reading for fun helps us to be better independent readers.
Phonics is a daily activity in Te Pihinga. We come in straight after playtime and get ready for our phonics time. In phonics we learn our letter sounds and spelling skills.
Drama is a wonderful opportunity for our children to practise their oral language skills.
speak clearly and with confidence
Portray a character through body and voice
Pronounce our words correctly and with clarity.
Every Wednesday in the Te Pihinga team are exposed to a variety of Arts, E learning and Te Reo learning. We have our expert Dean McKerras teaching dance connecting this with our learning about the Earth and the Holy Spirit.
In the afternoons we have been training hard for the up and coming cross country and learning some Jump Jam and doing singing as well.
We will be sharing and celebrating this great learning over the next few weeks so look out for some exciting videos, photo collages and comments from our learners.
Below is a clip showing some learning with Mrs Gunn using the Rakau.
You can see many of our learners showing great control and self management as they work with a peer to perform a new skill. Ka pai friends.
This week we celebrate New Zealand Sign language Week. We are lucky to have in the Te Pihinga team many staff members who are able to sign and use this regularly with our learners. Below is the website for the New Zealand deaf organisation. It has some great news on what is happening around the country to celebrate our third official language.
Have a go with your children at some signs you can look at the page on our blog which has some songs and the alphabet to practise at home. Happy signing everyone!!
We are learning about the Earth, its structure and what it is made up of.
We learnt that the Earth is dividing into different layers, just like this cake. Each layer is made of different materials, with the heavy ones sinking to the bottom.
We live on Crust – the outer most layer (this is the top of the cake).
The next layer is the Mantel, which is the largest layer of the Earth. The Mantel is made of super-heated rock.
The next layer is the Outer Core
The last layer is called the Inner Core. It is the centre of the Earth and is made up of solid Iron and Nickle