Term 4 Inquiry

We can't wait to start our new inquiry this term...during this learning we will: Understand that God gives us gifts, and it is our responsibility to share them. This is important because: We are called to use our special abilities humbly for the good of all. AND Develop an understanding of what gives people mana and how these qualities are seen in the lives of Blessed Catherine McAuley, Mary Mackillop and Suzanne Aubert. This is important so we can recognise that the saintliness of ordinary people can inspire us and lead us to God. Watch this space to see how our learning grows!

Term 4 Inquiry


In Te Pihinga Team we are kind and respectful to ourselves, each other and the environment. Thanks Ella for tidying up after others when they forget to. We really value your contributions!

Term 3 Inquiry

We have been learning about Animals. We learnt that certain animals can be grouped or classified depending on their features. Here are some of the posters we made to show our learning.

Prayer Time

Now we have new learners in our room, we have been reviewing what it means to be reverent during prayer time. We know by being still and quiet we can talk and listen to God. We love our special time with God each day.

Word Power

We have been working hard to learn to spell lots of word that we can use in our writing. Aren't we clever!